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About us

Wavybrain Studios LLC is an independent creative and technical development studio in Texas, although our team is scattered all over the planet. Formerly an embedded studio at a major game development publisher, we specialized in console porting, custom renderers, systems programming, game logic, bespoke game engines, cinematics, visual effects, motion graphics and optimization.


Following a tragedy, we decided to break out and create our own games with no constraints on content, and that don't need to make money for other stakeholders. We wanted to create what we see in our minds instead of meet sales quotas.


Our focus is on fast action games that have mysteries to solve; places to discover; and stories we want to tell. But games are to be played, so we avoid getting in the player's face every five seconds with un-skippable blah-blah-blah. We like games that capture the feeling of discovery, and that are played, not watched. 


And we like stylized gore fests with gratuitous violence.

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